Gasfitting Services
In addition to being Licensed Plumbers & Drainers, we are also Licensed Gasfitters. It is important to note that not all Plumbers are Licensed Gasfitters. We cover all aspects of gasfitting, be it Commerical or Residential. Our experience spans across areas such as large and complex commercial kitchen builds, and large scale heating systems in metropolitan areas, down to simple domestic installations in rural areas, using both Natural Gas (Brisbane & Toowoomba) and LPG.
Whether you want a gas appliance installed, need a Caravan Inspection / Compliance Certificate issued, a gas appliance serviced or repaired, you can rest assured that our experienced tradies will attend to your requirements promptly and efficiently.
We are also members of the AGA and QGA
Arent all Plumbers able to do Gasfitting work? Or at least repair or change over my gas hot water unit? After all, it relates to plumbing right?
In short, no. Although there are many plumbing companies that also offer gas fitting services, plumbers and gas fitters require a different skill set and licence. Although it’s not uncommon for a technician to hold a licence for both plumbing and gas fitting, but this should not be assumed.
Gas compliance plate must be installed for all properties, verifying the work on all gas components is safe & legally compliant. Gas cylinders cannot legally be delivered and connected to a system that does not display a Gas Compliance Plate.
Not all plumbers are gasfitters, and many people think that regular plumbers can work on gas appliances and troubleshoot any problems that they are having with their gas system.
To the casual observer it appears that gas and water seem to flow through the same type of pipe systems but the reality is that the way in which they work is totally different.
Gas systems, for both natural gas and LPG, are a lot more dangerous. The slightest mistake or oversight can create a gas leak leading to a potential explosion or a fire. Or, many other contributing factors performed by the unlicensed or inexperienced technican can lead to excessive Carbon Monoxide (CO) production, which is a deadly environment. For these reason alone, if you are having a problem with your gas pipes or appliances you MUST use a plumbing company that is a licensed contractor to work on gas, AND employs licensed gasfitters.
You should be aware of the following when undertaking service or installation work on your gas system:
- The company must be licensed: In Queensland all companies or individuals undertaking gas work are required to have a contractors licence from Queensland Building and Construction Commission, (QBCC) plus every person working on gas must have a a gas work licence issued by the Chief Gas Examiner from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. Without these licenses they cannot legally touch your gas appliances or piping system.
- Ensure you get all legal certification: A gasfitter doing any servicing or installation work on any part of gas system must affix a “Gas System Compliance Plate” as illustrated above on all new installations. The gasfitter is also legally obliged to give you a “Gas System Compliance Certificate” immediately after the installation is complete which you must keep as it is a legal document indicating the work is legally compliant.
Legally your obligations if you use gas in your home or business are that you must take all reasonable steps to ensure that your gas system complies with safety requirements. This is complied with simply by:
- regularly having gas appliances serviced
- ensure all gas servicing and installation is carried out by a licensed gasfitter
- ensuring you have compliance plates affixed and you retain copies of all gas certificates on site
Ultimately you as the property owner will be liable for the cost of rectification of non-compliant gas installations if the gasfitter who undertook the work cannot be identified plus it potentially makes your insurance coverage null and void.
At SPG, we specialise in both plumbing and gas fitting services. Our team of experts will take care of your residential and commercial plumbing and gas fitting needs to the highest standard. To get the best advice and the job done right call us today at 0413 818 387